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Giulio Paolini

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    Often linked to the Arte Povera movement, Giulio Paolini is best known for an artistic practice that is inscribed in a more strictly conceptual sphere. From the outset of his career, Paolini has developed a complex research centred as much on the artist’s tools as on the figure of the artist as an operator of language and accomplice of the viewer.
    The main characteristics of his artistic expression include citation, duplication and fragmentation, which are used as expedients for staging the distance between a finished model for making the work a ‘theatre of evocation.’ Articulated and composed designs, centred on additive dynamics (ordering, repetition, juxtaposition) and centrifugal forces, (explosions and dispersions starting from the centre) or centripetal ones (concentration, superimposition, joining), accompany the procedures drawing from a vast store of cultural mythologies and memories that are recaptured in photography, collage and plaster casts.
    More recently, Paolini’s incessant investigation of the definition and purpose of the work has been insistently concerned with the act of exhibiting, which he sees as the fundamental moment of encountering the work. From 1969 onwards Paolini worked intensely in the theatre, for many years in collaboration with Carlo Quartucci. In addition to invitations to the Venice Biennial (1979, 1976, 1984, 1993, 1997) and to Documenta in Kassel (1977, 1982, 1993), the 1980s also brought an increasing number of personal exhibitions in museums in Italy and abroad and publication of books containing his writings, as he assiduously complemented his work with writing.

    Anish Kapoor and Giulio Paolini

    16.02 - 02.05.2023

    Dear Anish, dear Giulio, this is, respectively, your sixth and seventh solo exhibition presented at [...]

    Momenti della verità

    26.11 - 19.01.2023

    WRITING AT NIGHT   My story with Giulio Paolini dates back to 1976; it is a story in seven [...]

    Quarantanni d’arte contemporanea. Massimo Minini 1973- 2013

    18.11 - 02.02.2014

    La Triennale di Milano presenta: “Quarantanni d’artecontemporanea. Massimo Minini [...]

    Giulio Paolini

    14.01 - 10.03.2012

    For his sixth solo show at Galleria Massimo Minini, Giulio Paolini has created four new large-scale [...]

    Massimo Minini: una storia contemporanea

    19.02 - 17.04.2011

    CONTEMPORANEA è il nome dello spazio d’arte, in corsetto sant’Agata 22, nel piano interrato [...]

    Zeusi e Parrasio

    22.11 - 26.01.2008

    Giulio Paolini’s work Zeusi e Parrasio, after which the exhibition is named, refers to two [...]

    Giulio Paolini

    02.12 - 13.02.1999


    07.10 - 18.11.1989

    Sessanta opere per i 10 anni della Galleria

    16.04 - 18.06.1983

    Sessanta opere per i 10 anni della Galleria, con opere di: Anselmo, Icaro, Andre, Calzolari, Klein, [...]

    Casa di Lucrezio

    27.11 - 30.01.1982

    Five italian artists


    New works. Five Italian artists Alighiero Boetti, Paolo Icaro, Mario Merz, Giulio Paolini, Michele [...]

    Otto opere di pittura contemporanea II

    17.12 - 08.01.1977

    Giulio Paolini

    04.12 - 30.12.1976


    01.04 - 12.04.1975

    Collettiva, con opere di: Schifano, Kounellis, Ryman, Judd, Ben, Hartung, Salvo, Paolini, Newman, [...]

    Collettiva di Natale

    14.12 - 05.01.1974

    Collettiva di Natale, con opere di: Ceroli, Turcato, Dias, Rotella, Boetti, Mochetti, Grygam, [...]

    Giulio Paolini. Disegno geometrico, 1960

    Fabio Belloni, Corraini Edizioni-Fondazione Giulio e Anna Paolini, Mantova-Torino 2019

    ISBN 978-8875707620

    L’autore che credeva di esistere

    Ed. Johan & Levi, 2012

    ISBN 978-8860100245

    Dall'Atlante al Vuoto in ordine alfabetico

    Electa, 2010

    ISBN 978-8837077181

    Dall’Atalante al Vuoto in ordine alfabetico

    Ed. Electa, 2010

    ISBN 978-8837084493

    L'Ora X. Né prima né dopo

    Ed. Mondadori Electa, 2009

    ISBN 978-8837071639

    Giulio Paolini. Un viaggio a distanza

    Ed. Nomos, 2009

    ISBN 978-8888145280

    Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999

    Ed. Skira, 2008

    ISBN 978-8876249631

    Per un verso o per l'altro E altro ancora. Giulio Paolini e Massimo Minini

    Ed. l'Obliquo, 2007

    Giulio Paolini: Fuori Programma

    Ed. Silvana, 2006

    ISBN 978-8836607006

    Quattro passi. Nel museo senza muse.

    Ed. Einaudi, 2006

    ISBN 978-8806184728

    L'ora X. Catalogo della mostra

    Ed. Gli Ori, 2004

    ISBN 978-8873361091