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Jacob Jackmauh’s work is rooted in a tactile engagement with the artifacts of mass manufacturing such as factory molds, cheap toys, and disposable merchandise.Through assemblage and material mimicry he contends with the relentless momentum of consumer-driven industries and traces the latent visual patterns that emerge. In a similar vein, Dominic Palarchio uses objects and artifacts that resonate with the psychological and physical impositions of class. His sculptures make use of materials that originate in the automotive industry, domestic utilities, and a range of light sources that embody energy and its expense. An Industrial investigation continues with Wilfredo Prieto’s sculptures and installations which are characterized by shocking simplicity and serve as tools for exploring social and political issues with a poetic sensibility.

Through this exhibition questions—with no answers or solutions—are explored about contemporary culture’s underlying structures with subtle gestures and open metaphors.

-Text by Jamie Sterns

All photos courtesy of Subtitled NYC, New York